Re: 2.2.X lockups (summary attempt)

Nix (
09 Oct 1999 11:45:28 +0100

Nils Faerber <> writes:

> I have the impression that the freeze show up more frequently after some
> time of constant hdd access; in my case I was playing audio files for some
> time, i.e. the buffer cache is almost full.
> And when then doing something completely different like changing a directory
> using bash's TAB completion the freeze occurs. This happened several times
> now.

In my case it's normally happened in the midst of an updatedb
(i.e. heavy disk access and lots of context switches to give frcode a
chance to run &c), but it did not appear to *require* any of these. I've
had it die a couple of times when sitting there doing nothing but
serving the odd small NFS request. (I'm using unfsd, so it's not likely
to be *that* at fault.)

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