> This argument is not timely. 2.3/2.4 is closed for new features. 2.5.0
> is probably 6 to 12 months away, so the proponents of devfs have plenty of
> time to improve on it, test it, and enjoy using it. Until 2.5.0 is
> released, let's leave Linus in peace to get a stable 2.4 out.
> In the meantime, the proponents of devfs could lobby the distributions to
> include it, but this is the wrong forum for that.
This is going to continue happening until an agreement is come to
and either a new system is developed or devfs is changed. Whichever way it
goes, it needs to be hashed out, if a new system needs to be developed, the
idea needs to come around soon. If devfs is to be changed, then the devfs
advocates need to know what needs to be changes to make it accepted.
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