A though on multi-session cds

Eric Kasten (kasten@nscl.msu.edu)
Thu, 7 Oct 1999 09:59:54 -0400 (EDT)

A thought on multi-session cds. I've been considering using CD-Writers
as a way to create snapshots of certain types of critical data by
writing a new track to the CD periodically (essentially creating a set
of generation datasets on the CD). One of the down sides of this
is that there isn't a particularily easy way (that I've located) to access
the data tracks beyond track 01 -- ie, mount mounts track 01, but there
isn't a way to mount a different track that also has an isofs on it.
This leaves you with having to use something like readxa to dump a track
and then use the loop device to mount the dump image.

A potentially useful improvement would be to use a mount option
(such as track=#) to be able to specify which track on a cd should be
mounted (defaulting to track 01 for backwards compatibility sake).
Any thoughts?


Eric Kasten

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