kfree_skb warning and then oops

Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de)
Thu, 07 Oct 1999 12:11:18 +0200


I hope someone can help me find out an ugly bug.

Sometimes I get the kernel-message

Warning: kfree_skb passed an skb still on a list (from c0.......)

followed by a kernel oops with a complete hang:
Aiee, killing interrupt handler
Kernel panic: Attempted to kill the idle task!
In swapper task - not syncing

What is the best way to find out from which function
kfree_skb was called when this "bad" skb was passed ?

I'm using 2.2.13pre12 with 233MHz MMX Pentium.
I'm checking the eicon isdn driver with about
10.000 connections per day over a 30 channel 2MBit
isdn line. It runs perfectly, except this problem
here, which occurs about once per day.

Any help would be appreciated.



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