Re: [patch] replacing "/dev/root" in /proc/mounts

Erik Andersen (
Wed, 6 Oct 1999 22:05:22 -0600

On Wed Oct 06, 1999 at 09:50:55PM -0400, Wakko Warner wrote:
> > There seems to currently be no mechanism (at least none I am aware of)
> > from user space to determine what the root device name _really_ is. The
> > kernel knows what the kdev_t for the root filesystem's device is, but
> > it apparently has no method of sharing that knowledge with userspace.
> > This patch lets /proc/mounts tell userspace the major/minor number of
> > the root filesystem. The patch applies to both 2.3.18 and 2.2.12.
> [wakko@ani:/backup/ani] stat / -FD
> FSDevice: /dev/sda1 (8:01)
> [wakko@ani:/backup/ani]
> stat is a program I wrote that uses struct stat and gives the info that you
> requested (-F looks in /dev to find the device, -D shows only the device
> that the file system is on)

hmm, stat based... So presumably it does something like:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct stat statBuf;
unsigned int major, minor;
stat("/", &statBuf);
printf("/ is on device major %d, minor %d\n",
major>>8, minor&0xff);
return( 0);

while that does work, the problem with this approach is you have to look
under the kernel's hood to discover how the kernel _currently_ defines
a dev_t. Suppose somebody next week decides we don't have enough minor
numbers for the new XP-37 5000-slot DVD changer... boom.

Having just read the util-linux mount source more carefully, I realised
that the /etc/mtab entry mount writes is correct and that has to come
from somewhere. I couldn't believe they would abuse stat, and I was right;
I have found a better solution:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstab.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct fstab* fstabBuf;
printf("/ is on device %s\n",
(getfsfile ("/"))->fs_spec);
return( 0);

which works and won't be as fragile.

of course, /proc/mounts is still wrong, but I can special case "/"
pretty easily now without needing the kernel to be fixed.

> > can't remount /dev/root ro (since there isn't really a /dev/root),
> > so you can't get a clean reboot.
> Ever tried: [wakko@ani:/backup/ani] grep remount /etc/init.d/umountfs
> mount -n -o remount,ro / [wakko@ani:/backup/ani]

Ok, bad example, sorry. however, my point was that the kernel is lying.

> So, what happens when / is an nfs mount? [wakko@gohan:/home/wakko]
> cat /proc/mounts /dev/root / nfs rw,addr= 0 0
> [wakko@gohan:/home/wakko]

same thing as always. I didn't mess with NFS (which is a special case in
the kernel mount code), I just touched the non-NFS cases. I don't know
what can be done to make the NFS case in /proc/mounts more correct.


Erik B. Andersen   Web: 
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