2.2.12 Kernel Lockup

David Morton (mortonda@osprey.net)
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 11:49:08 -0500

2.2.12 SMP (2 processors)

I just had a mysterious kernel lockup... no oops, panic or anything.
System load was light.. about 170 MB of free memory (buffers) so memory
wasn't a problem. (This time!)

Network, console, everything just locked up tight. The hard disks were
quiet as well.

Could some of these SMP races I've heard about be the cause?

*           David Morton                  *     mortonda@osprey.net     
*   Osprey Computer Technologies          *     http://osprey.net       
*         1109 Commercial                 *     voice: (316) 342-9297   
*        Emporia, KS 66801                *     fax: (316) 342-4836     

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