2.3.18 SMP raid0 attempt to access beyond end of device

Helge Hafting (helge.hafting@c2i.net)
Fri, 01 Oct 1999 20:55:37 +0200

I run 2.3.18 SMP, and have two quantum atlas IV connected to
a tekram controller using the sym53c8xx driver.
The motherboard is abit-bp6 with two celeron 333
processors, no overclocking yet.

I planned to do some tests to find the optimal raid-0 stripe
size for my use. (Using bonnie and timed compiles as tests)

The first bonnie run logged a lot of "Got md request, not good..."
eventually followed by
<6>attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 1 19:52:55 monster kernel: 08:05: rw=1, want=187124, limit=0
Oct 1 19:52:55 monster kernel: Got md request, not good...<6>attempt to access

Bonnie was stuck in uninterruptible sleep after this, attempts to
umount or ls on the filesystem get stuck the same way.

The raid-0 had stripe size 4k, I used
mke2fs -b 4096 -i 8192 -R stride=1

Is there anything I could do to help debug this? I currently
have several empty partitions for experimentation.

Helge Hafting

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