very large ide disk/IBM-DPTA-353750 problem

Stefan Eilemann (
Fri, 01 Oct 1999 11:06:27 +0200 (MDT)

i recently bought the above harddisk as a backup medium for our
fileserver running Linux 2.2.12. After reading a lot of information
(howto, web, mailing lists), i am still not able to set up the partion
table correctly. The maximum size i get of the harddisk (whole device)
is 5.2 GB. According to
there was a 33.8 GB Limit in August 1999. Exist this limit still today?
Are there any workarounds, patches or a possibility to access only
33.8 GB?


Additional informations:

# dmesg|grep hdb
ide0: BM-DMA at 0xb800-0xb807, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
hdb: IBM-DPTA-353750, ATA DISK drive
hdb: IBM-DPTA-353750, 35772MB w/1961kB Cache, CHS=7144/16/63, (U)DMA
# uname -a
Linux tux 2.2.12 #20 Tue Sep 7 17:34:23 CEST 1999 i686 unknown
# df -h /mnt
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hdb 5.2G 52K 5.0G 0% /mnt

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