Re: PATCH: serial patch for PPC
Tue, 28 Sep 1999 14:15:01 -0400

Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:01:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: ani joshi <>

Adding serial support for machines that don't have any rs ports
causes a panic [panic("Couldn't register serial driver\n");], this causes
a problem with making "common" PowerPC kernels, because prep/chrp do have
these (right?) and PowerMacs do not. Below is a proposed patch to fix
this problem, should this be the right way to get around the panic?

This patch doesn't look right to me. Even if there are no serial
ports, tty_register_driver() shouldn't be returning an error. If it's
returning an error, it means that something non-tty driver is grabbing
the tty major number. Simply papering over the error isn't the right
thing to do; the big question is why tty_register_driver is failing,
which translates into the question of who is grabbing TTY_MAJOR or
TTY_AUX_MAJOR on the "common" PowerPC kernels, which is the bug that
needs to be addressed.....

- Ted

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