ext2 for Solaris?

Tethys (tethys@it.newsint.co.uk)
Tue, 28 Sep 1999 16:29:27 +0100

A while back I seem to recall someone saying that there was now
an ext2 filesystem available for Solaris/Sparc, but I can't find
any pointers to it. Does anyone have any more info? Ted's ext2
site only mentions the Win95 ext2 support, freshmeat also brings
up a reference to the OS/2 support, and none of the major search
engines turn anything up...

I'd like to be able to mount my Sparc Linux partitions on the few
occasions I feel the need to reboot into Solaris.

Any ideas?


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tethys@it.newsint.co.uk  |  Micro$oft  | Linux; the choice of a GNU generation
tet@astradyne.co.uk      | Just say no | See http://www.linux.org for details.

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