lockup 2.2.13pre3

Barrett G. Lyon (blyon@netpr.com)
Sat, 25 Sep 1999 01:07:27 -0700

The system was running fine for about a month, then over the last two days
the system began to die a slow death. The frist two lockups I was not
around when it happened but this time I was on the system when it died.

It took about 5 minutes to get the output of PS and looking at that data ..
there were no processes out of control. Nothing eating memory, and no
memory shortages.

vmstat was displaying that the system's cpu was eaten by the kernel...

procs memory swap io system
1 0 0 19880 153400 18376 106168 0 0 0 4 1082 526 2 95
2 0 0 19880 153368 18376 106176 0 0 1 5 1265 640 1 99
1 0 0 19664 158408 18376 106592 54 0 31 20 1596 771 1 91
4 0 0 19648 159056 18376 106624 2 0 10 9 1652 809 2 98
4 0 0 19648 156992 18400 107640 0 0 142 27 1989 1005 2 98
2 0 0 19648 155640 18400 108472 0 0 147 10 1061 518 3 97
5 0 0 19640 150560 18440 109288 0 0 144 31 3338 1578 3 97
2 0 0 19640 150576 18448 109800 0 0 97 13 1821 812 3 97
5 0 0 19640 149384 18464 110128 0 0 61 12 1351 632 2 98

It was like all the sudden someone caused the machine to have no resources,
but I can't find anything in userland that would cause the problems.

11:19pm up 13:56, 11 users, load average: 6.42, 8.59, 11.39
233 processes: 227 sleeping, 5 running, 1 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 2.0% user, 97.6% system, 0.2% nice, 0.0% idle
Mem: 516968K av, 365056K used, 151912K free, 366896K shrd, 18520K buff
Swap: 611912K av, 19640K used, 592272K free 110968K cached

This is a VERY busy 21164SX Alpha.. any input would be great.


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