How to wait while polling
Sun, 22 Aug 1999 14:44:10 -0400 (EDT)

I am developing a || device for linux. I need to poll the status pins to
figure out if the device is ready to recieve data. How do I wait in a
multitasking friendly method? Right now I could
while ((count<3000) and (data!=BUSY)){

but that is really nasty obviously. From looking around I have seen
udelay() and mdelay() whats the diff and how do I use them. Is there a
good source for this info that I missed. What units are these in? I
think I need around 1/200th of a second delay
Keith Baker
P.S. My email account has very limited space so I can't subscribe to the
list. please CC me.

If the Creator had said, "Let there be light" in Ankh-Morpork, he'd have
gotten no further because of all the people saying "What colour?"
-- (Terry Pratchett, Men At Arms)

Keith Baker
Ithaca College (607) 375-2602
Theatre Production Arts Web Site Comming Soon

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