/proc/partitions: CDROM blocks

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Johnny_Teve=DFen?= (j.tevessen@gmx.net)
Fri, 20 Aug 1999 13:44:37 +0200


I'm running a 2.2.10ac5-nonSMP kernel on a x86 box.
On /dev/hdd, there is a sixspeed CD-ROM. Now
/proc/ide/ide1/hdd/driver says correctly:

ide-cdrom version 4.53

but /proc/partitions lists the (empty) CDROM drive

major minor #blocks name
22 64 1073741823 hdd

Shouldn't that rather be "0" blocks? Or: shouldn't
the entry for "hdd" disappear in /proc/partitions
when no medium is currently inserted?


J. Teveßen, Germany
PGPkey: http://pgp.lsi.upc.es:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5C77B04D

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