2.3.13 oops

Marcelo Tosatti (marcelo@conectiva.com.br)
Thu, 19 Aug 1999 18:43:03 -0300 (EST)

While rebooting system, the process was umount.

kernel BUG at inode.c:235!
invalid operand: 000
EIP: 0010:[<c0134983>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010286
eax: c0104130 ebx: c37c1eee ecx: c01f4128 edx: c0104130 esi: 00000065
ds: 0018 es : 0018 ss: 0018
Call Trace: [<c01349ec>] [<c0134ae7>] [<c012b8fc>] [<c012b426>]
[<c012b55a>] [<c012b695>] [<c0108e40>]
Warning (Oops_read): Code line not seen, dumping what data is available

>>EIP; c0134983 <clear_inode+1f/60> <=====
Trace; c01349ec <dispose_list+28/60>
Trace; c0134ae7 <invalidate_inodes+3b/48>
Trace; c012b8fc <do_remount_sb+a4/ac>
Trace; c012b426 <do_umount+7a/118>
Trace; c012b55a <umount_dev+96/11c>
Trace; c012b695 <sys_umount+b5/c4>
Trace; c0108e40 <system_call+34/38>

- Marcelo

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