What is the right type to store virtual address ?

Petr Vandrovec (vandrove@vc.cvut.cz)
Thu, 19 Aug 1999 19:43:18 +0200

if we are talking about endianess, I have one related small
question: in variable of which type I should store return
value from ioremap() ? I browsed all sources and I found that:
ioremap() returns 'void*' on all archs
check_signature() wants to obtain 'unsigned long' on all
readb() casts its parameter (sometime to ul, sometime to
void*); only sparc wants 'unsigned long'
__raw_readb() exist only on Alpha. Wants unsigned long...
memset_io() wants 'void*' on sparc64, others do casts
Different drivers use 'unsigned long' or 'void*', probably
authors randomly selected one of usual types.
Any idea? If some archs (Alpha) preffers 'unsigned long',
but others (sparc64 (and me, but I'm not 'arch')) 'void*', we
should define some new type... Or change definitions of
sparc64 or Alpha. It is really confusing if you must pass
unsigned long to check_signature, but void* to memset_io,
because of otherwise it will complain on some (PCI capable)
Petr Vandrovec

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