Re: Kernel Panic, root fs..

Steve Dodd (
Wed, 18 Aug 1999 00:44:15 +0100

On Tue, Aug 17, 1999 at 11:03:40AM -0700, david parsons wrote:

> >Big strings mean big kernels. Not too good. The kernel doesn't
> >know, and *** must not know *** about 'dev/sda1'.
> Too late, I'm afraid.
> The de facto standard names are already known to the kernel (cf:
> init/main.c::name_to_kdev_t(), just for an example)

Ack. Nasty. Any chance of killing it?

Seems what we really need to do is to emit messages in a standard format
that syslogd can interpret and expand (even translate?), so long as it is
done properly (unlike the oops symbol expansion stuff, though I gather that
has been fixed now). I don't know how we deal with boot up messages, though.
What do other Unices do?

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