Re: [OFFTOPIC] Possible idea for integration of Text-based apps?

Alan Cox (
Sun, 15 Aug 1999 23:52:45 +0100 (BST)

> (linked with a special library?). Suppose we were using it right now,
> and we were talking to someone. They posted a URL. This application gave
> us a way to select that URL. Then, the app would send it to a "registered"
> Lynx process, where the TTY of that lynx would be looked up, and the master
> daemon connected to that Lynx's go-between process. The go-between for
> the Lynx program then sent the characters "g(URLTEXT from IM program)<enter>"
> as if they were typed in from stdin.

Nat Friendman did this for rxvt - a thing called 'dingus' that lets you
click on URLs in it

> Theoretically I think this whole system could be implemented right now in
> code. But the biggest problem would be how each program would use a
> pseudo-TTY for the application's I/O channel.

Have a look at 'screen'


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