Re: More linker magic..

Jakub Jelinek (
Wed, 4 Aug 1999 10:59:07 +0200

> Not if done right. You CAN still do them differently, but I changed a few
> drivers to not have a single #ifdef MODULE, and I hope it takes off.
> The fact is, that modules and non-modules _are_ going to be subtly
> different, but we can make the differences as small as possible.
> I'll make a pre-4 so that you can comment on some of the modules (look at
> "binfmt_elf.c" for example).

I think it would be better to capitalize MODULE_INIT() and MODULE_EXIT()
macros, so they look the same as other module macros like MODULE_PARM,
Second, I think it would be better for true modules to declare
init_module/cleanup_module as aliases and avoid a new function which just
calls the initialization routine.
Something like:

#ifndef MODULE
#define MODULE_INIT(x) __initcall(x)
#define MODULE_EXIT(x) /* nothing */
#define MODULE_INIT(x) extern int init_module(void) __attribute__ ((alias (#x)))
#define MODULE_EXIT(x) extern void cleanup_module(void) __attribute__ ((alias (#x)))

BTW: We could simply use gcc constructors and get rid of the
MODULE_INIT/MODULE_EXIT stuff altogether.

Either write in the code just

static int __initcall init_module (void)
static void __exit cleanup_module (void)


#ifndef MODULE
#define __initcall __attribute__ ((constructor))
#define __initcall

and instead of playing with .initcall.init section kernel would examine
.ctors section. No name translation or whatever required (provided the
static keyword is there). modutils AFAIK don't care whether init_module etc.
are STB_GLOBAL or STB_LOCAL. Linker script would make sure .ctors section is
put into the segment beeing freed after bootup.
What's the purpose of __exit being put into .text.init section and not
thrown away completely for built-in modules anyway? Nobody will call them,
so why should they clutter space in the resulting vmlinux?

Jakub Jelinek | |
Administrator of SunSITE Czech Republic, MFF, Charles University
UltraLinux | |
Linux version 2.3.13 on a sparc64 machine (1343.49 BogoMips)

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