Kernel diff problem
Sun, 1 Aug 1999 16:51:13 -0600

This is not a kernel code issue, but it has caused me some difficulties,
not to mention embarassment, and I wonder if someone there can explain:

$diff -u -r -N vanilla11 linux-new11 > junk &
$ diff -u -r --new-file vanilla11 linux-new11 > junk2 &

time passes and
$ ls -l junk*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yodaiken yodaiken 64742 Aug 1 15:13 junk
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yodaiken yodaiken 43794 Aug 1 15:10 junk2

Two "diffs" only difference is "--new-file" and "-N" which should
be identical
$ diff --version
diff - GNU diffutils version 2.7

Stock Rdhat 6.0

The hyphen in the second directory name?
Control-c'ing during a make?
Microsoft moles ? Something stupid I did ?

The kernel is 2.3.11 -- the vanilla one, not my version that I
was getting a diff for.
When I copied these directories to a second machine, I got similar
results until I removed the vanilla11 directory and made a new
one from a fresh tar file.

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