Re: Q: Thread local storage, thread IDs

Khimenko Victor (
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 00:21:38 +0400 (MSD)

In <> JŸrg Pleumann ( wrote:
> Hello,

> I'd like to know if there are any plans to support one of these two
> concepts in Linux:

> (1) Thread local storage. It would be perfectly okay if this were a
> single pointer that could be read/written for the current thread. If
> more values are needed, it's no problem to attach a larger memory block
> to this pointer.

Kernel does not have concept of thread at all so it does not belond to kernel.

> (2) 1-based IDs for the threads belonging to a process (in addition to
> the system-wide unique process IDs).

The same as above.

> I'm currently trying to port an OS2/Win/Dos Delphi-like Pascal compiler
> to Linux, and the absence of these concepts makes the port somewhat
> difficult. I was able to emulate thread local storage, basically by a
> mapping from PIDs to TIDs. This mapping is a bit slow, but since TLS
> variables are seldom accessed, it works.

> Unfortunately, for implementing exception handling I need a faster way
> to access an exception handler chain for the current thread. It needs to
> be fast because try...except...end staements occur every few lines of
> code (at least in my code).

Egcs handles exceptions just fine. Even if multithreaded programs.

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