Solaris/Intel binary emulation; lcall27 handler.

David Woodhouse (
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 13:03:32 +0100

Clue aquired; I now have a working lcall27 handler, along with a more intimate
knowledge of the Intel Architecture than I ever expected or wanted.

My Solaris 'hello world' now runs. To get the dynamically linked version to
run, I had to modify the behaviour of ibcs_mmap(). Currently, it returns zero
if a MAP_FIXED mmap() call succeeds - but Solaris' expects it to return
<addr>, just like Linux does.

What systems require this behaviour? Do we need add PER_SOLARIS to distinguish
between them? We could separate the lcall7 handler from the lcall27 handler
and set current->personality to PER_SOLARIS iff the latter is called. (We
might already need to have separate handlers anyway - I assume they changed
for a reason.)

---- ---- ----
David Woodhouse Office: (+44) 1223 810302
Project Leader, Process Information Systems Mobile: (+44) 976 658355
Axiom (Cambridge) Ltd., Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge, CB5 0NA, UK.
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