Re: Linux 2.2.11pre2 proposed patch

Tue, 20 Jul 1999 12:41:40 +0100

o Remove cyrix COMA thing. Use set6x86

Well, then will you please remove the f00f bugfix as well
and develop a user space tool to switch it on?
(The sarcastic taste was intended. :-))
IMHO the processor bug workarounds should be in the
the kernel.

I do not believe that this bugfix caused any of the
reported file corruption problems (someone said that this may
be the cause) since I myself have a Cyrix 6x86MX and used every
2.2 and 2.3 kernel up to now and I did not experienced any such
problems although I heavily use my disks with untargzing and
deleting large trees after compilation and such. (Though I
experienced crashes with 2.3.x that happened with others with
non Cyrix machines.) Or show me a way to reproduce it with the
coma bug fix and I will delete it from my kernel tree as well.

And if the bugfix itself causes the file corruption then
no matter where you enable the bugfix and which tool you use...

Zoltan Boszormenyi

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