Re: Putting Perl into Linux Kernel

Marc Mutz (
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 19:46:12 +0200

Christof Damian wrote:
> Most of this stuff can be done in userspace and should be. But I am
> always amazed by the strange uses perl (and linux) get into.
> Java with all its problems could be used for this too.
I reckon it can _only_ be done in user space, with all that implied
magic that perl does and that makes me love it: <> operator (how does
one deal with file-IO in kernel space?), glob magic (shell built into
kernel?), etc.
I think it will be impossible to include Perl into the kernel, even if
there are some funny useful tasks one can find for it.
Apart from that, however, I can imagine something like a language
binding for Perl that would enable driver developers to use Perl syntax
and some of its magic (i.e. lists as intrinsic data types) to quickly
hack kernel-level drivers, like GTK is to X. Given a working Perl2C
compiler (work has been done on that, but not enough for such a
purpose), one could then even insert the resulting C code in the main
kernel tree.

But I don't really see so much benefit resulting out of this.
What _may_ be worth a second thought is some piece of software that is
to the driver module interface what GTK (or QT :-) is to the Xlib.


Marc Mutz <>          
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

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