Need help for a project...

Mircea Ciocan (
Sun, 18 Jul 1999 18:09:58 +0300

Hi all kernel/device driver gurus,

I'm in process of doing some modem/serial sharing programs; by
that I
mean: on the computer with the modem(s) phisically attached the server
part will run and will provide access sharing and character
communication over TCP/IP, on the client side I want to create a device
like /dev/vmodem0 where the virtual modem could be "mounted" by the
meaning of a user space utility called let's say modemmount ( ohter
ideas wellcome :) and used like the usual /dev/modem or /dev/ttySx. This
is needed for a data concentrator where on site there are a lot of
equippments with serial outputs and only a Ethernet line, but I see the
utility of such a project even for little networks where you need
sometime a modem to fax something or to test a dial-up connexion, etc.
The code will be GPL. Now the questions:

- Is somewhere some similar project on development? Pointers
wellcomed, because I vaguely remember about something like that but the
links I found are long dead :(.
- How to nummber my new dev, is some kind of
authority/responsable that
assignes numbers (major, minor) for new devices, it is better to have
the same numbering like /dev/ttySx. Please some one elighten me on
personal mail, RTFMs VERY much wellcomed.
- Is there some GPL/LGPL development library C/C++ targeted for
kind of client/server job that you use, trust and reccomend.

Thank you very much,
Mircea C.

Please CC your answers to my mail also, I'll be double in debt for that

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