Re: What means 'model: ST1480 SUN0424' (was: NCR810 problems on 2.2.10-ac10)

Guest section DW (
Sun, 18 Jul 1999 14:34:46 +0200 (MET DST) writes:

> According to Seagate it holds 426 Mb (*) of data. My guess is that that's
> where the 0424 comes from. (426/424 ~=~ (1 computer Mb) / 1e6)

No - you must buy a new pocket calculator.
Both Seagate and Sun follow the standard.
Nobody uses your so-called `computer megabytes' for disks.
Secondly, 426*(10^6)/(2^20) = 406.2, much smaller than 424.
Indeed, 2^20 is nearly 5% larger than 10^6.

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