Thinkpad 600 memory woes

Ville Voutilainen (
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 04:31:40 +0300 (EET DST)

Hello all. I have a funny problem with a Thinkpad 600,
it reports 128M ram by the bios, but Linux _automagically_
detects only 64M of it. If I try to force the memory
size with mem=128M, the machine won't boot. With RH 6.0,
it stops right after it printk()s the APM bios stuff.
Ideas? Also, the IBM spec sheets claim (no, I *don't*
believe 'em:) that the soundcard is an SB Pro. I get
half-speed output with mpg123 and garbage with other
stuff although sndconfig goes through just fine. Now,
I remember a discussion about some ess (?) cards having
this half-speed behavior, if someone can tell me if
this is related (ie what card the thinkpad 600 actually
has) I'd be delighted. Personal carbon copies mostly
welcome, spam and flamatory content will be used for
wiping disk drives containing confidential data. :)


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