Re: [OT?] Re: script for compiling the kernel

Steffen Evers (
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 05:33:09 +0200

Hello Marc.
There is one thing you always should keep in mind:
Most people are using a distribution like Red Hat, Suse, Caldera, ... .
So, when they are compiling and installing new source, kernel-images,
modules, etc. they might get there system inconsistent or maybe it won't
run anymore for some reason.
So, if you really want to setup such a service that produces a
'kernel-package' it would be best do make it a REAL package, so it
DOESN'T break the system anymore.
Debain already has a package that is doing that in one way or the

Package: kernel-package
Description: Debian Linux kernel package build scripts.
This package provides the capability to create a debian
kernel-image package by just running make-kpkg kernel_image in a
kernel source directory tree. It can also build the kernel source
package as a debian file, the kernel headers package. In general, this
package is very useful if you need to create a custom kernel, if, for
example, the default kernel does not support some of your hardware, or
you wish a leaner, meaner kernel.

I don't use it as I don't want to be forced to stick to Debian systems.

Best wishes,


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