Re: RECOVERY: partition table

Helge Hafting (
Sun, 11 Jul 1999 16:30:32 +0200

> I found block lengths etc of my partitions... I accidentally blew away
> my partition table (fd0!=hda) and unfortunately I have no way to do a
> backup and so have little. The system is still up and running. Is
> there anyway I can recreate exactly the same partition table?
> I imagine
> all the information is in /proc, but I can't find it.
cat /proc/partitions

This gives the partition sizes. It may not be enough as you don't
get the exact placement, but it worked for me when I did exactly the
same thing. I used fdisk and recreated my partitions in order
and with exactly the same sizes. Note that cfdisk will want to
start the first partition on a cylinder bounddary,
while fdisk can start on a track boundary. The latter was necessary
in my case, as an NT partition started on the second track
on the first cylinder.

Before you reboot, make sure you have a linux boot floppy with
fdisk on it. A debian install/rescue diskette is ok.
You can then rery if your first attempt goes wrong.

Helge Hafting

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