kdb from sgi.....

Raj, Ashok (ashok.raj@intel.com)
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 16:35:27 -0700


Iam trying to get the kernel debugger that i got from
to work. i can get this to compile in 2.2.4 and also 2.2.5

then i enter kdb using the pause key i can enter kdb prompt and all commands
work except when tru
to exit using the "go" command it always beeps once and just freezes.

anyone ran into the same problem? and found a fix. Iam having a pentium pro


Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
To be specific the "Plug" almost always works.
--unknown source

Ashok Raj Phone : (503)-677-6928
NGIO Division Fax : (503)-690-4302
Core Software Group email : ashok.raj@intel.com
M/S : CO3-208

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