Re: The stability crisis

Trever Adams (
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 04:10:29 -0600

> On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
> > hmmm, the closest computer that I could use is 100 feet away and is
> > attatched to this box by a 100ft piece of category 5....
> Also, all of my serial ports are in use..
> Not everyone can donate a serial port to Linux development.

Brother! Can we say OSS is a gift culture? Give back if you expect
anything, file a bug report and an oops.

A good cheap piece of junk 486 costs less than $100 in most cases now.
In most shops it is likely that you have one that works sitting on a
shelf somewhere. Go get one, buy a stupid null modem cable, and set the
thing up on the network. Set up ftp so you can get at the logs or
something, and start logging via that null modem cable.

Seriously, I do NOT see how any (even small) company can get away
without a spare box like this for remote logging and testing. A small
company I work for (has made no money yet and has very limited start up
cash) even has one. An IT shop I am familiar with (I know the manager
and several of the "empolyees") of a large company even have such boxes.

I also have to say, I know 2.1.10 (namely that networking problem) has
problems, but by and large it works great for me, even on PRODUCTION
servers that often are under heavy load. In fact, if that networking
bug gets fixed, I would say it is dang near perfect for me (us, work, in
most cases).

Trever Adams

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