Re: The stability crisis

Jes Sorensen (
30 Jun 1999 09:39:28 +0200

>>>>> "Aaron" == Aaron Lehmann <> writes:

Aaron> On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
>> hmmm, the closest computer that I could use is 100 feet away and is
>> attatched to this box by a 100ft piece of category 5....

Aaron> Also, all of my serial ports are in use..

Aaron> Not everyone can donate a serial port to Linux development.

If you are not willing to make any type of effort providing people
with the debug info they BADLY need to help _you_ solve _your_
problem, how on earth can you even think about whining about the lack
of support?

If you go buy a commercial UNIX you can get an expensive support
contract and sometimes they even fix the bugs, with Linux we expect
you to at least spend 5 minutes of your time getting us the debug info
(hey it also takes at least 5 minutes to get the crash dump out and
shipped to the commercial UNIX vendor).

If this machine is so valuable for you, how come you cannot afford a
serial cable and a machine to connect it to? You can use whatever you
feel like for this, a 286 with a terminal program will do just
fine. Roll it in, hook it up, wait for 2.2.x to crash and send us the
output. It's really not that hard.


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