playing with inodes...

Juan Antonio Martinez (
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 13:45:28 +0200 (CET)

I'm still working in a cache filesystem for linux 2.2. think
that most of problems solved, but have a little problem with inode
number assignment

My idea is that make any cache-pending entry in cache directory
is defined by mean a device special file. this device performs these ops:
- when inode_read, stat, lookup or so, look into cached filesystem and
fill inode data properly
- when read, readdir, mmap or so, ask daemon to make a cache copy of
requested file/directory. When cache copy is done replace special file
with retrieved data and complete system call

My problem: inode number changes between special file and cached file, and
don't know how to inform VFS about this change. So i'm trying to do any of
these items:

- Try to force inode number on cachefs daemon ( that runs in user space )
to the one owned by the special file, when caching is done
- Try to notify VFS that older inode number is no longer valid an force to
use new one
- Try to make a reverse stat(2) call to change status of a given inode
( eg change it from special file to regfile/directory/symlink or so )

Is any of these items possible? how to make it?. Perhaps this is not the
correct way to work...

Any suggestions will be welcomed

Juan Antonio \|||/
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Juan Antonio Martínez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
email: E.T.S.I Telecomunicación Ciudad Universitaria s/n
Tel: 34-1-5495700 ext 328 Centro de Cálculo
Fax: 34-1-3367333 Madrid, Spain
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