ext2 deletion times..

Vladimir Dergachev (vdergach@sas.upenn.edu)
Sun, 27 Jun 1999 15:18:37 -0400 (EDT)

Regarding the rm times for ext2:

I would appreciate if people told me why this idea is stupid:

instead of storing pointers to individual blocks (as we do now)

store a pointer to first block in a segment and count of blocks
in this segment. (or first and last block)

The drawbacks I see:

requires rewrite of current code (to be expected)

not compatible with existing ext2

the number of available block pointers is decreased.
this is noticable however only if file consists of a lot
of scattered blocks - which does not happen often


ext2 has very low fragmentation. this should greatly reduce
the need for indirect blocks.

since changes are required anyway we could bump up the u32 type
of block pointer to u64.

should not require more cpu cycles. (expanding (start,end)
into list of blocks is faster than reading them sequentially)

Of the stupid things I have missed is that this already got implemented
since the last time I looked at ext2


Vladimir Dergachev

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