Re: (reiserfs) Re: I discussed reading directories as files with jra,

Albert D. Cahalan (
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 22:29:26 -0400 (EDT)

Jeff Epler writes:
> On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 09:58:52PM -0400, Albert D. Cahalan wrote:

>> One need not understand the Word-specific aspects of the format.
>> Forget about bold text and image format details. Not even NT would
>> have all that in the kernel. No, this is only a filesystem-like
>> structure to be dished out in pieces by a simple driver.
> So use the filesystem!

That is the whole point: filesystem support for multi-forked data
(mostly a performance issue) while supporting the highly desireable
view of documents being files.

> If, as you say in another post, you're worried about morons
> "rm"ing, "mv"ing or "chmod"ing the individual components, just
> insure that zed as a compound document recieve a
> document icon, not a folder icon.

One must be able to "rm" or "mv" the whole document with any old
tool. That really ought to include old statically linked tools.

Don't bother with ugly hacks for each individual issue. Suggest a
solution that _cleanly_ covers the whole thing if you can. I'll
expect to _not_ see "magic" file names in directories. I'll also
expect something that the NTFS driver can use.

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