Re: why does no kernel turn off the power ?

Helmut Naughton (
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:25:16 +0200

On 15 Jun 99, at 0:11, Jochen Heuer wrote:
Please read the FAQ at
> >
> > What distribution of linux do you use? I have the same problem
> > using SuSE 6.1 and i guess the error is somewhere in the
> > shutdown process (just guessing). I have a FIC VL-601 mainboard
> > and i am using the SuSE kernel 2.2.5, the developer kernel 2.3.6
> > and the ac version 2.3.5ac1. Since it does't work in either of them, i
> > don't guess it's a kernel problem. Somebody would have noticed.
> > But i haven't contacted the folks at SuSE yet, amybe after this is
> > resolved...
> If your sysvinit is not too old you can try _shutdown -p now_ or
> _poweroff_.

I have the sysvinit version used in SuSE 6.1 (schouldn't be too old;
how can i find out? where could i upgrade) and *neither* of them
works, it just halts and then sits there.


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