2.3.6 ENOBUFS error

John Hayward-Warburton (linux@billabong.demon.co.uk)
Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:28:56 +0000 (GMT)


Problem this morning, just after my daily updatedb process ran on
this 2.3.6 machine (ix86, egcs-1.1.2, glibc-2.1.1). Named (bind
8.1.2) stopped working, but it never fails in this way on 2.2.9

The problem? It gives up with the error

named[5066]: cache zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 0)
named[5066]: master zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
named[5066]: master zone "7.168.192.in-addr.arpa" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
named[5066]: master zone "223.196.151.in-addr.arpa" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
named[5066]: master zone "localdomain" (IN) loaded (serial 1999031101)
named[5066]: master zone "billabong-media.com" (IN) loaded (serial 1999031101)
named[5066]: get interface configuration: No buffer space available

and here's the relevant strace line

ioctl(4, SIOCGIFCONF, 0xbfff772c) = -1 ENOBUFS (No buffer space available)

free tells me:

total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 62832 60992 1840 14232 1312 11960
-/+ buffers/cache: 47720 15112
Swap: 525128 52228 472900

Bumping /proc/sys/vm/buffermem up to "2 10 70" fixes it... should it
be this way?

info -f libc tells me:

- Macro: int ENOBUFS
The kernel's buffers for I/O operations are all in use. In GNU,
this error is always synonymous with `ENOMEM'; you may get one or
the other from network operations.

This is a great pity because, otherwise, 2.3.6 is perfectly stable

Any ideas? Thanks for reading this


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