UDF patch to 2.2.9

Dave Boynton (dboynton@worldnet.att.net)
Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:07:03 -0400

At the following link is a patch to the 2.2.9 that implements the UDF
filesystem, used by DVDs and packet-written CDRWs and such.


I'd like to take this opportunity to plead for some needed updates to
the SCSI and IDE cdrom modules. The UDF module currently makes direct
calls to the SCSI driver in some places that make it mostly incompatible
to IDE drives. It would certainly be cleaner if the functions we need
were implemented in the Uniform CDROM interface. What we need is
inclusion of the SCSI3/mmc2 command set, which is used by DVDs, CDRs,
CDRWs, etc. I have a link to some SCSI3/mmc2 information at

As an added bonus, if these features were included, perhaps the cdrecord
maintainer would stop saying that Linux had the worst SCSI
implementation! :-)

Dave Boynton

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