Riley Williams (rhw@MemAlpha.CX)
Sat, 12 Jun 1999 15:03:40 +0100 (GMT)

Hi Adam.

> With reference to 2.2.9

> I was writing a quick perl script to parse the MAINTAINERS file
> and:

> 1) there is a typo on line 624, the M is missing a following
> colon

Well spotted.

> 2) there is no clean way to find where the actual data starts
> in the file, maybe a START: tag at the beginning of the
> data?

Since all the entries start the same, it shouldn't be hard to do...

Q> #!/bin/bash
Q> N=`grep -n '^P:' MAINTAINERS | sed -n -e '2p' | cut -d : -f 1`
Q> tail -n +$[$N-1] MAINTAINERS

There, not hard at all...

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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