Re: AM53/79C974

Kurt Garloff (
Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:21:33 +0200

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On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 11:40:14AM +0100, Philip Blundell wrote:
> >I just get a dc-390 scsi card at home, and i was wondering what was the
> >difference between :
> >AM53/79C974 PCI SCSI support (CONFIG_SCSI_AM53C974)
> >Tekram DC390(T) and Am53/79C974 SCSI support (CONFIG_SCSI_DC390T)=20
> >as they both support the same chipset...
> The latter driver is a more recent addition to the kernel and is more act=
> maintained. At one point there was some hardware that only the former dr=
> supported but I suspect this is no longer the case.

The former also has some problems besides not being supported:
* It does not support Taggeg Command Queueing and
* (more severe) from time to time you will suffer your SCSI subsystem going
mad, if your disks use disconnection

I spent some time looking at the sources and I didn't see the bug in the
AM53C974 driver.

On the other hand, I maintain the tmscsim (DC390/AM53C974) driver, which
works very well, so I recommend to use this one to everybody.

If you are interested to test the next version of it, 2.0e (current is
2.0d), have a look at and try 2.0d9.
It should be _more_ stable than plain 2.0d by design, but I still want to
wait a couple of days before releasing it as 2.0e to the kernel, to have
more people having the opportunity to test it. Until now, I did not see any
failure report for it, yet.

Kurt Garloff <> SuSE GmbH, N=FCrnberg, FRG
Linux kernel development; SCSI driver: DC390 (tmscsim/AM53C974)

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