R: booting secondary kernels

Marco Ermini (mail@markoer.org)
Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:03:46 +0100

Why don't you just rename your experimental
kernel something like "vmlinuz-exp" or similar
and put it in the /boot directory along with
the "normal" "vmlinuz". Then in lilo.conf
you put two options, one pointing to
the "normal" and one to the experimental

You can also rename System.map in
System.map.orig and the experimental
System.map.exp and make a symlink
to the one you are planning to boot
at every reboot.

I use this metod to keep several
kernel versions in my linux box to
be able to choose the one I want
to play with.


----- Original Message -----
From: <naughton@poweronline.net>
To: <linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 1999 2:28 PM
Subject: booting secondary kernels

> I want to experiment with development kernels and still keep my
> original, good working kernel (SuSE 6.1 self-compiled), so i altered
> the makefile of the development kernel to install the kernel in
> /dboot, so that i can have my old one in /boot. Then i added the
> necessary lines to lilo.conf and told it that a secondary kernel
> /dboot/vmlinuz exists.
> Problem turns out to be, that when i boot the development kernel
> (the normal one works fine), the module info is loaded from
> /boot/system.map instead of /dboot/system.map, so the version is
> different and this results in an error.
> My question now is how i could prevent that happening and what
> everybody else is doing. I don't have the option of installing the
> other kernel in another partition or something like that, just a
> directory.
> I hope this is not to far from the linux kernel mailing list issues, but
> i don't have any idea where to ask otherwise and it is definatly
> kernel related. If you think this is wrong in here, please send me a
> note, telling me where to look for this information.
> -Helmut Naughton
> -
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