You can also rename in and the experimental and make a symlink
to the one you are planning to boot
at every reboot.
I use this metod to keep several
kernel versions in my linux box to
be able to choose the one I want
to play with.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 1999 2:28 PM
Subject: booting secondary kernels
> I want to experiment with development kernels and still keep my
> original, good working kernel (SuSE 6.1 self-compiled), so i altered
> the makefile of the development kernel to install the kernel in
> /dboot, so that i can have my old one in /boot. Then i added the
> necessary lines to lilo.conf and told it that a secondary kernel
> /dboot/vmlinuz exists.
> Problem turns out to be, that when i boot the development kernel
> (the normal one works fine), the module info is loaded from
> /boot/ instead of /dboot/, so the version is
> different and this results in an error.
> My question now is how i could prevent that happening and what
> everybody else is doing. I don't have the option of installing the
> other kernel in another partition or something like that, just a
> directory.
> I hope this is not to far from the linux kernel mailing list issues, but
> i don't have any idea where to ask otherwise and it is definatly
> kernel related. If you think this is wrong in here, please send me a
> note, telling me where to look for this information.
> -Helmut Naughton
> -
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