Re: Devfs, was Re: Migrating to larger numbers

Catalin Muresan (
Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:59:17 +0300

On Wed, Jun 09, 1999 at 09:13:39AM +0200, Guest section DW wrote:
dwguest> Maybe you don't know, but we have that today.
dwguest> LABEL=Boot /boot ext2 noauto 0 0
dwguest> and
dwguest> UUID=3e6be9de-8139-11d1-9106-a43f08d823a6 /boot ext2 noauto 0 0
dwguest> both work in fstab.
dwguest> Andries

but e2fsck does'n know about this :( (at least I didn't dig it
too hard - e2fsprogs-1.14-4 from RH6.0) and it can't find filesystems
based on label, and also lilo sould be modified so we could add LABEL=boot
as a config option.
could this be extended to DOSFS, VFAT, and other fs (mount could be
modified to use the dos label) and swap partitions (the same with
swap{on,off} - there seems to be some kind of a label for swap but it's set
to 'SWAP-SPACE' now) ?

 Catalin Muresan                     -o)                   CM1206-RIPE
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