Re: 2.2.9-ac1..3 breaks sound

Chris Noe (
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 15:55:43 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Michael Surenbrock wrote:
> I just wanted to tell that 2.2.9-ac1,2,3 breaks sound in quake, which
> isn't very nice. :-)
> There's a small klick twice a second depending on the
> selected sound-frequency. So I had a look in the patches and found this
> bit of code beeing resposible for the damage:

Are you positive that its the ac* patches that are causing it? I have been
getting those same effects (click twice a second approx) all throughout
2.2. I have been able to work around it by simply unloading and reloading
the sound modules before launching quake; I've just always assumed it was
a bugger in quake, since it was the only program giving me any troubles.

Chris Noe

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