Re: Preparations for ZD's upcoming Apache/Linux benchmark

Linus Torvalds (
10 Jun 1999 00:36:36 GMT

In article <>,
Alex Belits <> wrote:
>> Sure, it's not really a new socket, but there isn't any way user space can
>> know, so a standard apache or any other server would just never have seen
>> the original requests on that socket. We may have to "fake" a header or
>> similar on it, but at least it doesn't sound conecptually all that hard.
> What header? Userspace only needs to call accept() and get a file
>descriptor -- it will never know the difference after that.

I don't know enough about the spec to even know whether there is any
persistent "state" across the operations. If there is not, then no
header is necessary, obviously. I thought of the header as a way of
possibly initializing any persistent state issues so that the user mode
could know about the fact that we've used the socket.


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