Re: Migrating to larger numbers

Stephen Frost (
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 22:38:42 -0400 (EDT)

On 9 Jun 1999, Kai Henningsen wrote:

> > I think perhaps I'm asking the wrong question. The problem I
> > have is the whole /dev/sd?? stuff. devfs allows for /dev/dsk/c0t0...
> > kind of addressing, which to me makes alot more sense and is easier
> > for me to work with. I don't see a way to do this (currently) in
> > user space.
> It's still the wrong way.
> Most of the time, you don't really want to say "the disk that is target 0
> on controller 0".
> You want to say "the partition that belongs on /usr", or "the new Seagate
> hd".

Perhaps. I can much more easily equate the two using devfs than
/dev/sd??. At the moment devfs is availible, is there a way to do what you
are suggesting? For All filesystems, including root? And also, what about
all the other devices on a system? This isn't just about filesystems and
scsi disks, though those are some of my major concerns.

> And the thing is, this can be done almost completely from user space -
> just the information gathering part needs kernel support. And that means
> you can use config files.

Sounds interesting, is there somewhere I can get more information
on this? What is the likelyhood that it will work with the root filesystem?
If it doesn't, what then?


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