Re: Devfs, was Re: Migrating to larger numbers

Kai Henningsen (
09 Jun 1999 20:41:00 +0200 (Stephen Frost) wrote on 09.06.99 in <>:

> My one concern is SCSI device management. Under the current
> setup it can be challenging to deal with at best. I tend to know what
> controller and what target a device is, and that at least is constant if
> one disk happens to die. If /dev/sdb dies then everything past that moves,
> and the machine won't even boot, even if /dev/sdb is unimportant, if
> /dev/sdc is /usr, and it's now /dev/sdb, that gets really painful really
> quickly.

With my setup (see parallel mail), this works fine as long as boot/root
works (so my boot scripts get a chance to run).

MfG Kai

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