Next time you should consider making a nice AVI with the audio
commentary too.
I'm sure you'd manage that.
Bill C Riemers wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been having serious problems trying to get the 2.2 kernel to
> boot.
> I've tried everything I can think of, and unfortunately, I don't seem
> to
> be able to solve the problem, or even describe well enough for anyone
> to
> feel like they can give useful suggestions. So, I took out the video
> camera and captured the boot messages. I've also collected my 2.0
> boot
> log, in case that provides useful information.
> I've reduced the set of images down to the minimum, but it still more
> than
> I feel comfortable posting to a mailing list or news group. So, if
> you
> think you can help, visit the URL:
> I'm open to any reasonable suggestions. And will be happy to lookup
> any
> additional information, and add debug statements to my kernel to print
> out additional information.
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