> unneeded PR problem for OS and Linux.
Linux isn't about PR, never was.
> diagnostic from Windows, which happens a lot, I get upset; if it compounded
> the
> error with that kind of sophomoric language, I'd be livid. Linux and any
I expect I'd find it amsuing. :)
> In other words, questionable language has no benefit, and it has at least
> some cost
This is another issue, a technical one. If the error messages are
not producing anything truely usefull then that should be changed, in the
same way patches are normally handled, which would be to contact the maintainer
of a given piece of code and submit a patch changing those printk's so that
they produce usefull information. The same could be said for comments, but
let us change these things because they are not technically correct, not
because of the amusing language. :)
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