On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, The Doctor What wrote:
> I agree with what you're saying, but have one other motivation for
> removing the harsher words, f*ck for example:
> It is possible that this will cause the kernel to be blocked by censoring
> software. Or parts of the kernel. Or patches, etc.
Uh... last I checked, .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 files were binary and didn't
contain enough to filter something (and filters don't operate on binary
material for the most part anyway).
> I don't think anyone should make the owners of a subsection clean up their
> comments and such, but I would like to encourage them to remove the worst
> words.
> I understand that putting in such comments at 4am make one feel better,
> but hopefully after a good bit of sleep, it doesn't seem terribly useful.
So what? Wah-wah.
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Michael B. Trausch
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