Re: Preparations for ZD's upcoming Apache/Linux benchmark
Thierry Danis (
Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:38:45 +0200
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 07:26:20PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> > Also, Juergen Schmidt's recent tests for c't magazin were
> > rendered partially invalid because he neglected to
> > configure Apache to block in accept() as required for
> > maximal Linux performance. He was informed by several
> > people of the error as soon as he posted his config
> > files, but by then it was too late.
> Of course nobody has addressed the problem that Apache is optimised for
> the real world not benchmarks and that its not the right server to use
> for a benching exercise with the rather poor benchmark tools used today.
I am sure they are not realistic when speaking of the internet
connexions. But not everybody is using WEB on the internet. Here,
for example, we have no connexion to the internet, but a lot
of clients (around 1000) are connected (can connect) to our
intranet servers, where much useful information can be found.
I have not done any statistics, but I am quite sure that they
are heavily used.
Thierry Danis
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