playback on ESS 1688 broken by 2.3.4 changes

Dragos Acostachioaie (
Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:22:18 +0300 (EEST)

Hi all,

Playing MP3s on my ESS 1688 (using mpg123) was working just fine
two weeks ago. When trying to do this yesterday, using 2.3.5, I found that
the sound was interrupted very often, say 5-10 times per second. Replacing
drivers/sound/sb_ess.c with the one in 2.3.3 solves the problem. It seems
that the ``major cleanup'' (including sample rate tunings) made (in 2.3.4)
to the ESS driver broke it.
I tried to look over the changes made to sb_ess.c but finnaly gave
up since they are too many... I also tried to find Javier Achirica's (the
one who made these changes) email, but no success also.
Any ideas?


Dragos Acostachioaie
Phone: +40-94-564548

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